Parish News for 19th Week in Ordinary Time
This Sunday is the 19th in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel reading we continue to read the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel where Jesus teaches his disciples that the bread of life is his very flesh which he commands us to eat. Click here for the Scripture Readings.
Music on Sunday
On Sunday morning the choir will sing the Mass in the Phrygian Mode by Charles Wood and Gustate et Videte by Orlando de Lassus
Thursday Lunch Club
There will be no lunch after the 12pm Thursday Mass in August, but do stay for coffee instead.
Flowers in Church
If you are able to help with flowers in church for Sundays at one of the shrines or in the sanctuary, please speak to Fr James. Offers of flowers for the Open Day are particularly welcome!
Monthly Requiem Mass
On the last Tuesday of every month the 6pm Mass will be offered as a Requiem for those in our Chantry Book. If you would like to have a departed loved one remembered at the altar at the monthly requiem please speak to Fr James. The next Requiem Mass will be on Tuesday 27th August.
Sunday 11th August
19th per annum
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee
Monday 12th August
S.Jane Frances Chantal
Mass at 10am
Tuesday 13th August
Ss Pontianus and Hippolytus
Mass 6pm followed by drinks
Wednesday 14th August
S.Maximilian Kolbe
Mass 10am
Thursday 15th August
Mass 12pm followed by lunch
Friday 16th August
S.Stephen of Hungary
Latin Mass 12pm at S.Benet’s Fr James’ day-off
Saturday 17th August
No Mass
Sunday 18th August
The Assumption of the BVM
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee