Parish News for 21st Week in Ordinary Time
This Sunday is the 21st in Ordinary Time. In the Gospel reading we hear that many of his followers walk away from Jesus as they find his teaching too hard to accept and only a faithful few remain. We are like the faithful few each time we turn back to Christ and come to mass.
Bank Holiday Tomorrow
Please note there will be no 10am Mass on Monday because it is a Bank Holiday.
Music on Sunday
On Sunday morning the choir will sing the Mass in F Darke and the beautiful Ubi caritas Duruflé.
Thursday Lunch Club
There will be no lunch after the 12pm Thursday Mass in August, but do stay for coffee instead.
New Organ Scholar
Jake Scicinski will be joining us on Sunday 8th September as our new organ scholar. Jake is currently a third-year student at the Royal College of Music and has previously held organist posts at St Luke’s Pinner and St John’s Notting Hill. He will combine his time with us with the post of visiting organist at Brentwood Cathedral. We are grateful to the Hampstead Church Music Trust for sponsoring his scholarship. Please welcome Jake!
Flowers in Church
If you are able to help with flowers in church for Sundays at one of the shrines or in the sanctuary, please speak to Fr James.
Monthly Requiem Mass
On the last Tuesday of every month the 6pm Mass will be offered as a Requiem for those in our Chantry Book. If you would like to have a departed loved one remembered at the altar at the monthly requiem please speak to Fr James. The next Requiem Mass will be on Tuesday 27th August.
Sunday 25th August
21st per annum
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee
Monday 26th August
Blessed Dominic Barberi
NO Mass at 10am (Bank Holiday)
Tuesday 27th August
Requiem Mass 6pm followed by drinks
Wednesday 28th August
Mass 10am
Thursday 29th August
Beheading of S.John the Baptist
Mass 12pm followed by coffee
Friday 30th August
S.Margaret Clitherow
Latin Mass 12pm at S.Benet’s Fr James’ day-off
Saturday 31st August
No Mass
Sunday 1st September
22nd per annum
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee