Parish News for 31st Week in Ordinary Time

October 24, 2024 by James Elston in Weekly News

This Sunday we celebrate All Saints, a key date in our parish!
Please come to church at 5pm on Sunday to welcome Jonathan, our Bishop and celebrate our patronal festival with wonderful music and a party afterwards.
At 10am there will be a sung mass and baptism, but no refreshments afterwards this week.

Music on Sunday at 5pm
The Messe solennelle by Louis Vierne was first performed at the church of St Sulpice,
Paris in 1901. It utilises the two organs found in larger French churches, The Grand Orgue on the West end gallery and the Petit Orgue accompanying the choir at the East end. Vierne played the Petit Orgue for the first performance with Widor, the Organist Titulaire of St Sulpice at the Grand Orgue. As the Grand Organ of All Hallows is at the East end, we will hear the Messe in reversed positions with the Choir at the West end. A rare treat indeed!

All Souls’ Day
This Saturday at 12pm we will remember our departed loved ones  by name in a Solemn Requiem Mass. If there is a name you would like to be read at the Mass, please add the names to the sheet at the back of church or contact the Vicar.

Remembrance Sunday
On10th November, the mass will begin at our war memorial with an Act of Remembrance accompanied by trumpet. The choir will sing the stunning Requiem Mass by Durufle. PLEASE NOTE THE MASS WILL BEGIN AT 10.50am

Recordings in Church
Recordings are taking place in church, on Thursday 7th and 14th November so there will be no Mass or lunch on those days. Apologies for this. We will resume normal service on the 21st November.


Sunday 3rd November
31st per annum
Solemn Mass and Baptism 10am

Pontifical High Mass for All Saints 5pm

Monday 4th November
S.Charles Borromeo
Mass 10am 

Tuesday 5th November
Mass 6pm followed by wine and nibbles

Wednesday 6th November
NO Mass 10am followed by coffee

Thursday 7th November
Mass 12pm followed by lunch

Friday 8th November
Latin Mass 12pm at S.Benet’s Fr James’ day-off 

Saturday 9th November
Lateran Basilica
No Mass 

Sunday 10th November
Remembrance Sunday
Solemn Requiem Mass 10.50am

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