Parish News for 32nd Week in Ordinary Time
This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday. In our Solemn Requiem Mass for the war dead we will join with the King, the country and the Commonwealth in praying for the souls of all those who gave their lives in the cause of freedom. Mass will begin at our war memorial with an Act of Remembrance accompanied by trumpet. The choir will sing the stunning Requiem Mass by Durufle.
Patronal Festival
Thank you to all those who helped make the Festival Mass and party such a success, particularly Martin for organising the beautiful music.
New Curate
Last Sunday at the Patronal Festival the Bishop announced that Oliver Baldwin will be ordained as Deacon next June and come to our parish as Curate for three years. Please pray for him as he completes his studies in Oxford.
How to Plan your Funeral
On Sunday 17th November 11.30am-12.30pm, Fr James will be leading an All Souls-tide study session on planning your own funeral. All welcome.
Prayer of the Faithful
From Advent we will be renewing our prayer list of those who are sick and in need. Please let me know if you would like someone to either REMAIN on the list or be added.
Recordings in Church
There is a recording taking place in church on Thursday 14th November so there will be no Mass, apologies for this. We will resume normal service on the 21st November.
Please support our church
To give regularly or make a one off donation click here
Sunday 10th November
Remembrance Sunday
Solemn Requiem Mass 10.50am
Monday 11th November
S.Martin of Tours
Mass 10am
Tuesday 12th November
Mass 6pm followed by wine and nibbles
Wednesday 13th November
Mass 10am followed by coffee
Thursday 14th November
NO Mass 12pm followed by lunch
Friday 15th November
Latin Mass 12pm at S.Benet’s Fr James’ day-off
Saturday 16th November
S.Margaret of Scotland
No Mass
Sunday 17th November
33rd per Annum
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee