Parish News for 34th Week in Ordinary Time
This Sunday is the last of the Church Year and the Feast of Christ the King. In the Gospel reading we will hear the searing account of the conversation between Jesus and Pontius Pliate. Jesus reveals that his Kingdom is not of this world and that he is the King who reveals the truth. Click here for the Scripture readings.
Music this Sunday
The Choir will sing the magnificent Coronation Mass by Mozart for Solemn Mass and Benediction.
Thursday Lunch
The lunch with wine after the midday mass is back today! A minimum donation of £2.50 would be appreciated. All Welcome!
Patronal Festival of S. Andrew
At S. Andrew’s Holborn on Wednesday 27th November at 7pm, there will be a Solemn Pontifical Mass with Bishop Jonathan, followed by supper and drinks. S. Andrew Holborn is a short walk from Chancery Lane tube and City Thameslink stations and on the 46 bus route. All welcome.Prayer of the Faithful
From Advent the prayer lists of those who are sick and in need will be completely renewed. Please let me know if you would like someone to either REMAIN on the list or be added.
Magnificat Advent Book
The new Church Year begins on Advent Sunday, 1st December. Magnificat Advent Books, which give the Mass readings and a wealth of reflections and prayers for the season, will be available in church soon. The book is free for Advent and then £5 per month or pay what you can. We will look at the book together after Mass on Sunday.
PCC Meeting
This Sunday at 12pm
A Star is Born?
Kitty, a member of our congregation, is currently appearing in a BBC documentary series called Ambulance, click here for more details.
Please support your church
All Hallows is open everyday for the whole community, we offer hospitality after weekday masses and our Sunday worship is beautified with wonderful music. Please support your church by giving regularly click here to find our more.
Sunday 24th November
Christ the King
Solemn Mass and Benediction10am followed by coffee
Monday 25th November
S.Catherine of Alexandria
Mass 10am
Tuesday 26th November
Mass 6pm followed by wine and nibbles
Wednesday 27th November
Mass 10am followed by coffee
Thursday 28th November
Mass 12pm followed by lunch
Friday 29th November
Latin Mass 12pm at S.Benet’s Fr James’ day-off
Saturday 30th November
No Mass
Sunday 1st December
Advent I
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee