Parish News for Epiphany

January 2, 2025 by James Elston in Weekly News

The 6th January is the Feast of the Epiphany, marking the visit of the Magi to the house of the Holy Family. And so on Sunday we will remember the journey of the Three Kings to Bethlehem. Click here for the scripture readings. At the end of mass, chalk will be blessed so that you can mark your own homes as holy for the coming year. Click here to read more about this tradition.

Music this Sunday
The Choir will sing the Little Organ Mass by Haydn.

Mass Schedule Changes
Church will be closed for recordings on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th January, so there is no midday mass today.
Next week, the Monday and Tuesday masses are as normal but there is no mass on the 8th and 9th January.
The normal timetable resumes from 12th January.

Stamps for the blind
Diane is collecting used postage stamps to support the RNIB, please give any stamps to her for this good cause

Saturday 18th January from 6pm, dancing begins at 7pm. £5 entry or by donation and children are free. Please let Fr James know if you can volunteer on the evening with running the bar, bringing finger food, helping set up and clear up. All welcome and please invite your friends and family.

Please support your church
All Hallows is open everyday for the whole community, we offer hospitality after weekday masses and our Sunday worship is beautified with wonderful music. Please support your church by giving regularly click here to find our more.


Sunday 5th January
Epiphany of the Lord
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee

Monday 6th January
Mass 10am 

Tuesday 7th January
Mass 6pm
followed by wine and nibbles

Wednesday 8th January
NO Mass at 10am 

Thursday 9th January
NO Mass at 12pm

Friday 10th January
Latin Mass 12pm at S.Benet’s Fr James’ day-off 

Saturday 11th January
No Mass 

Sunday 12th January
Baptism of the Lord
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee

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