Parish News for the 4th Week in Advent
This Sunday is the Fourth of Advent, and our thoughts turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Gospel reading Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth who is also pregnant and will give birth to John the Baptist. Elizabeth’s words form part of the Hail Mary, Of all women you are the most blessed, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. As we approach the great feast of the birth of her Son, let us ask for the prayers of Mary. Our guest preacher is the Reverend Canon Professor Jim Walters, who is Chaplain at the London School of Economics.Click here for the Scripture readings.
Music this Sunday
The Choir will sing the Mass for four voices by William Byrd and the Magnificat from the Short Service Orlando Gibbons
Christmas flowers
Please give any cash donations for Christmas flowers to Lesley and help beautify our church.
Stamps for the blind
Diane is collecting used postage stamps to support the RNIB, please give any stamps to her for this good cause
Food Bank
Queen’s Crescent Food Bank have asked us for donations of foodstuffs for Christmas. Please see the poster at the back of church detailing what they need. Donations can be left in our South Court kitchen.
Barn Dance
Saturday 18th January from 6pm, dancing begins at 7pm. £5 entry or by donation and children are free. Please let Fr James know if you can volunteer on the evening with running the bar, bringing finger food, helping set up and clear up. All welcome and please invite your friends and family.
Please support your church
All Hallows is open everyday for the whole community, we offer hospitality after weekday masses and our Sunday worship is beautified with wonderful music. Please support your church by giving regularly click here to find our more.
Sunday 22nd December
Advent IV
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee
Carol Service 5pm
Monday 23rd December
O Emmanuel
Mass 10am
Tuesday 24th December
Christmas Eve
Crib Service 4pm
‘Midnight’ Mass 10.30pm
Wednesday 25th December
Christmas Day
Mass 10am
Thursday 26th December
Mass 10am
Friday 27th December
Latin Mass 12pm at S.Benet’s Fr James’ day-off
Saturday 28th December
Holy Innocents
No Mass
Sunday 29th December
Holy Family
Solemn Mass 10am followed by coffee